The properties and their acceptable values are outlined below:
Property | Man. | Card. | URI | Value |
identifier | man | 1..1 | dct:identifier | xsd:anyURI |
title | man | 1..1 | dct:title | xml:string |
description | man | 1..1 | dct:description | xml:string |
keyword | rec | 0..n | dcat:keyword | xml:string |
metadataLanguage | man | 1..1 | dct:language | donl:language |
language | man | 1..n | dct:language | donl:language |
theme | man | 1..n | dcat:theme | overheid:taxonomiebeleidsagenda |
modificationDate | man | 1..1 | dct:modified | xsd:date (ISO 8601) |
authority | man | 1..1 | overheid:authority | donl:authority |
publisher | man | 1..1 | dct:publisher | donl:authority |
contactPoint | man | 1..1 | dcat:contactPoint | vcard:Kind |
accessRights | rec | 0..1 | dct:accessRights | overheid:openbaarheidsniveau |
datasetStatus | rec | 0..1 | adms:status | overheid:datasetStatus |
landingPage | rec | 0..1 | dcat:landingPage | xsd:anyURI |
spatial | rec | 0..n | dct:spatial | overheid:spatial |
temporal | rec | 0..1 | dct:temporal | class Period |
conformsTo | rec | 0..n | dct:conformsTo | xsd:anyURI |
alternativeIdentifier | rec | 0..n | adms:identifier | xsd:anyURI |
relatedResource | rec | 0..n | dct:relation | xsd:anyURI |
source | rec | 0..n | dct:source | xsd:anyURI |
hasVersion | rec | 0..n | dct:hasVersion | xsd:anyURI |
isVersionOf | rec | 0..n | dct:isVersionOf | xsd:anyURI |
releaseDate | rec | 0..1 | dct:issued | xsd:date (ISO 8601) |
version | rec | 0..1 | owl:versionInfo | xml:string |
versionNotes | rec | 0..n | adms:versionNotes | xml:string |
legalFoundation | rec | 0..1 | overheid:grondslag | class LegalFoundation |
datePlanned | opt | 0..1 | skos:concept | xsd:date (ISO 8601) |
documentation | opt | 0..n | foaf:page | xsd:anyURI |
frequency | opt | 0..1 | dct:accrualPeriodicity | overheid:frequency |
provenance | opt | 0..n | dct:provenance | xsd:anyURI |
sample | opt | 0..n | adms:sample | xsd:anyURI |
highValue | rec | 0..1 | skos:concept | xsd:boolean |
basisRegister | rec | 0..1 | skos:concept | xsd:boolean |
referentieData | rec | 0..1 | skos:concept | xsd:boolean |
nationalCoverage | rec | 0..1 | skos:concept | xsd:boolean |